Home Business NADDC seeks revival of automobile components manufacturing sector in Nigeria

NADDC seeks revival of automobile components manufacturing sector in Nigeria


The National Automotive Design and Development Council NADDC has empahsised the need for government to resuscitate the parts manufacturing and components sectors in Nigeria.

The Director General, NADDC, Joseph Osanipin gave the indication when members of the Commerce and Industry Correspondents Association of Nigeria, CICAN paid a courtesy visit on management of the Council, in Abuja.

Osanipin bemoaned the days when cars got their tyres, batteries, foams and others parts manufactured in the country.

Expressing optimism that all these could still be achieved, despite the collapse of most of these companies, the D.G assured that the Council was willing to support their resuscitation by increasing local content and meeting AFCTA 30% quarter requirements when they start production.

He noted that Nigeria Automotive Industry Development Plan NAIDP will be a guide to the sector, when it is implemented.

“We need investors who will have confidence in the policy and with the support of the President Ahmed Bola Tinubu’s and the National Assembly the plan will be enacted.

“We will continue to push for it, so that by the time we have it not just as a plan but an act of Parliament, foreign investors will have confidence in investing into the sector. The NAIDP is a pillar we want to implement. These include boosting market through expansion, patronage of made in Nigeria vehicles which cannot be achieved without collective patronage.

“We know this is a process and we do not expect our local manufacturers and or assemblers to start but with the support of everyone including the media, we can make it faster. If we want them to get there without that support, it will take a longer time.

“I was at Innoson plant and it beats my imagination what they are doing there, the kind of investment that is going on there as well as what will come out of there. A lot of Nigerians do not know the kind of technology that is there.

“The CNG is a new technology for most of us because if you take a look at Nigerian roads, more than 99 percent of vehicles are still fuel or gas powered and this means if you have one precent using CNG, it will be insignificant. But we are moving away from pms powered vehicle and this calls for serious preparation. We are preparing ourselves in terms of the standard and quality required, training, monitoring.

Speaking on Electric Vehicle, Osqnipin said “we are trying to put in place necessary infrastructure EV may require more infrastructure than CNG. Even though it is capital intensive, we are putting our axe together and keep out heads high with the moving trends.”

Osanipin observed that a lot of sacrifice must be made now in order to reap the gains in the nearest future.

He however solicited the support of the media to sensitize the public on the temporary period of discomfort which he noted will benefit all Nigerians in the long-run.

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