Home Education Gowon appeals for president’s assent to NYSC trust fund bill

Gowon appeals for president’s assent to NYSC trust fund bill


General Yakubu Gowon, Nigeria’s former Head of State, has appealed to President Muhammadu Buhari to speedily give assent to the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Trust Fund bill.

Gowon made the appeal while Commissioning the NYSC Ultra-Modern ICT building and SAED Exhibition as one of the scheme’s activities to mark its 50th year anniversary in Abuja.

The former head of state said the fund will bring a notable turnaround in the scheme.

” I pray for the Presidential assent for the proposed NYSC trust fund bill which will bring a turnaround of the scheme most importantly in the improvement of training facilities, provision of start up capital for Corp members to finance their businesses in line with the skill acquired during the NYSC SAED programme.

“I want to assure you that that assent will be done , I got the assurance last night,” he said.

Moreso, he called on state governments to intensify the upgrade of facilities in the NYSC facilities in the orientation camps.

” I call on the respective state governments especially those who have not done so to intensify the upgrading of facilities in their orientation camps so as to provide a conducive environment that would enhance training of corps members during their three weeks orientation programme.” He added

Earlier, in his welcome address, the Director General, NYSC, Brigadier General Yushau Ahmed said the Information and Communication Technology Department was established following the expansion of the structure of the Scheme in 2014.

He said over the years, the operations of NYSC have become heavily challenged with tons of data in its daily activities owing to the increasing number of Corps members.

“The introduction of ICT in its operations has become inevitable and an essential tool for the smooth running of all areas of Corps administration,” he said.

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