Home Art & Culture Federal High Court Ruling: NBC to appeal against the judgement.

Federal High Court Ruling: NBC to appeal against the judgement.


The National Broadcasting Commission, NBC has said it’s will appeal against the federal high court judgement ruling on its mandate when found in conflict with previous judgement.

Reacting to the federal high court in Abuja ruling on nullifying the commission ‘s powers to impose fines on broadcast stations that violate the provisions of the Nigeria Broadcasting code.

Director General of NBC, Balarabe Ilelah in a statement said the commission has applied for a certified copy of the judgement, when found to be in conflict with previous judgement of the court , which empowers the agency to regulate the Broadcasting in Nigeria, it will appeal against the judgement.

He however noted that it is global best practice and the ethics of the legal profession, that no partly to a suit can freely comment on a judgement it has not seen and read.

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