Home Art & Culture UNICEF, UK Government rolls- out new project to protect children in north-east

UNICEF, UK Government rolls- out new project to protect children in north-east


The United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF and United Kingdom (UK) has rolled out new project focused on providing integrated food, nutrition sanitation and protection services in Nigeria’s north east region.

In a statement made available to the media by UNICEF in Abuja , said the humanitarian intervention would empower over 300,000 mothers and caregivers in the said region of the country.

The intervention aims at improving the survival of children affected by conflict, as well to enhance dietary practices, home-based malnutrition screening skills, provision of high impact lifesaving nutrition interventions (such as early identification and referral of acute malnutrition cases for treatment), and micronutrients supplementation to prevent infections among children.

The project is being funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) of the UK Government, the Multisectoral Integrated Nutrition Action (MINA) it as well being implemented by UNICEF and other partners in 24 Local Government Areas of Borno and Yobe states till March 2025.

According to the statement, ” With approximately 1 in 4 children aged 12-23 months not vaccinated, the north-east region has one of the highest numbers of unvaccinated children in Nigeria, according to the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey and National Immunization Coverage Survey (MICS-NICS 2021)”.

“Data from the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: National Outcome Routine Mapping (WASH NORM 2021) shows that four per cent of the population in Borno and two per cent in Yobe have access to safely managed drinking water. Up to 1.1 million people across the region still practice open defecation, a risk factor for malnutrition and stunting in children”.

” The project leverages a bouquet of essential services and community structures to provide integrated essential services for children, including birth registration and immunization services, nutrition counselling, cash transfer support, establishment of vegetable gardens, market-based sanitation and hygiene interventions, mothers’ groups, nutrition mobilisers and WASH Committees”.

“Critically, the highly successful mother-led Mid-Upper Arm Circumference programme is being expanded while roving midwives will be deployed to hard-to-reach areas to improve the nutrition status and overall wellbeing of the most disadvantaged children”.

“The first 1000 days of life of a child is an unmatched window of opportunity. UNICEF is grateful for the support of the FCDO to invest early in the lives of some of the most vulnerable children in the world,’’ said Cristian Munduate, UNICEF Representative in Nigeria.

“It is heartwarming that through the capacity building and empowerment approach of this project, thousands of children will benefit from this intervention in the long term,’’ Cristian Munduate added.

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