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2023 General Election : NBC sanctions 25 broadcasting stations,16 on final warning list



The National Broadcasting Commission, NBC, says it has sanctions 25 broadcasting stations and 16 stations on warning list for the contravention of the provisions of the Nigeria Broadcasting Code.

Director General of NBC, Balarabe Ilelah who disclosed this at a media briefing in Abuja said the stations did not adhere strictly to the provisions of the Nigeria Broadcasting Code, the Electoral Act, and other Extant Laws governing the coverage and reportage of the 2023 National Elections.

Ilelah reiterated the commission’s position as he called to Broadcast Stations to be professional in the discharge of their duties.

” In the course of our monitoring, the Commission observed, with dismay that some Broadcast Stations allowed their platforms to be used by some guests, callers, and analysts to score unhealthy political points inimical to our corporate existence”.

” Ethnic and religious profiling became awfully rampant, Invectives and Counterblasts were thrown freely by guests on the platform of broadcast stations at the detriment of the Nigerian people, Subversive discuss and reckless comments, capable of tearing us apart as a people were broadcast freely without proper gatekeeping, Ethics and professionalism were thrown overboard”.

” The Commission wishes to remind you that we have one Country, And if we pave way for Anarchy, we will all be affected, We are only in business because we have peace, Our diversity should be our strength,Our assets, Our power, We must guard this jealously”.

“History shows that all civil wars ever fought by people of the same race, started in the media. When those who should dish out information, becomes bias and pitch camp with different groups, division is heightened. Broadcast Stations have a duty to protect our unity, and punctuate our diversity as a distinctive mark of pride and promote sustainable democracy in Nigeria” , he added.

Ilelah stressed that Broadcast Stations are expected to exercise freedom of expression as agents of society, not for any personal or promote sectional rights, privileges and further their own or that of their proprietors, relatives, or supporters as highlighted in Section 3.1.3 of the Nigeria Broadcasting Code.

“For the avoidance of doubt, the National Broadcasting Commission, which was established by NBC Act CAP N11, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004, to, amongst other responsibilities, license, monitor, regulate broadcasting in Nigeria and will not operate outside the precincts of this Act. The Commission will continue to carry out its mandate without fear or favour “.

” The Commission, prior to and during the National Election period, sanctioned 25 Broadcast Stations, while 16 others were given final warnings for the contravention of the provisions of the Nigeria Broadcasting Code.
Summary of the report is as Follows;

” 17 Stations received sanctions for Broadcast of Partisan Content during the 24hours prior to Election, 1 sanctioned for announcing result before authorized returning Officers made them public , 3 sanctioned for inciting Comments, 4 Sanctioned for divisive ethnic/Religious Content and 16 Broadcast Stations were given final warnings for various infringements “.

The NBC boss re-emphasized that, going into the Gubernatorial and Houses of Assembly Elections in the next three days, all broadcasters must adhere strictly to the provisions of the Nigeria Broadcasting Code and the National Broadcasting Act CAP N11 Laws of the Federation, 2004.

” For the avoidance of doubt, the Code in the listed sections admonished broadcasters in the following Sections:
5.3.3(J) Ensure that the broadcast of a partisan political campaign, jingle, announcement, and any other form of partisan party identification or symbol ends not later than twenty-four hours before polling day;

” 5.3.3(k)not use any vote obtained at a polling station or from an exit poll to project or speculate on the chances of a candidate; and very importantly,
5.3.3(l) relay election results or declaration of the winner only as announced by the authorized electoral officer for the election”.

He however advised that Broadcasters shall be responsible for the content of the Station’s broadcast.

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